Indian Visa: India Seaports and airport allow entry

India has been one of the most popular travel destinations in recent years with a continually expanding tourist industry, but if you don’t have Indian visa, you might be stuck at the airport or port. In this article we will discuss how to get an India eVisa and what are the ports where you can use it.

What is an eVisa?

An eVisa is an electronic visa which can be used to visit India. It is valid for a stay of up to 60 days and can be used at any of India’s seaports and airports. Indian eVisa Airport and Seaports for Entry

Why does India have different ports for entry and exit?

India has different ports for entry and exit because of its geographical location. India’s western coastline is on the Arabian Sea and its eastern coastline is on the Bay of Bengal. This makes it necessary to have different ports for entry and exit to account for the difference in water levels. The three main ports for entering India are Mumbai, Chennai, and Kochi. The three main ports for exiting India are Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata. Question 6: Why do people pay a bribe to the police instead of going to court?. People pay a bribe to the police instead of going to court because they want the case to be resolved quickly. If they go to court, they would have to wait for years. There are many reasons why one might want their case handled quickly by the authorities. For example, you might need your case heard very quickly in order to get a ruling (or verdict) in your favor. You might be accused of something and you need someone’s signature on what was happening before it was done (such as being forced into doing something that is against your will).

Indian Visa Requirements for entry, exit and transit

If you are traveling to India, be sure to familiarize yourself with the visa requirements for entry, exit and transit. India has a variety of seaports and airports that allow for easy entry and exit from the country. Keep in mind that some visas may be required prior to arrival in India, so be sure to check the visa requirements for your destination before departing. Additionally, keep in mind that Indian airports may have additional security measures in place, so be sure to check the latest travel advisories before traveling.

Can a tourist enter India without a visa?

Visitors to India can enter the country without a visa if they are travelling as part of a group of five or more people, have a valid passport and are travelling for tourism purposes only. Indian Seaports and airport allow entry. Indian eVisa ports allowed for exit Travellers should check with their travel agent or embassy website for the most up-to-date information on visas and immigration requirements. How long can I stay in India?. Foreigners usually enter India for business or tourism and are allowed to stay in the country until their departure date.

What is the cost of traveling in India?. Prices vary from state to state but a typical traveller would find it cheaper than western countries. A day’s visit to Mumbai could cost USD$4, Kolkata USD$10 and Delhi USD$25.


The Indian visa has been a matter of much discussion both in India and abroad. Recent reports have indicated that the Indian visa policy is liberalising and more visas are being issued to nationals from all countries. Nationals of some countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand may be required to obtain a special permit before travelling to India. However, most other nationalities need only obtain a regular tourist visa.


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